Wednesday, March 15, 2006

4.2.06 - 10.2.06

Let's call this 'The Week Everything Turned to Custard'. Or alternatively, 'The Week Everyone Came to The Rescue'. Either way, it pretty much sums it up!

We drove down to Rotorua with the Munchie on Saturday to see the N-Duro. Pretty good day had by all. Emily was a bit unsettled, but still turned on the charm when we arrived at Nana Helen and Poppa David's in Katikati later that afternoon. She was feeding like it was going out of fashion, and d'oh, Mum didn't realise this was a growth spurt. We all had a bad night, so Helen and David asked us to stay a few days and help us get sorted out. So, off to Baby Boot Camp - Hurrah!

Rick discovered the 'lawn mower', and spent about 6 hours mowing the lawn. He only ran over 2 trees out the back, and didn't put it in the lake. Not bad for a first attempt!

We caught up with some more of Emily's family in Waihi, and had a nice lunch with Norma and Leone, Anne, Julie and the boys. Came home Monday night as Emily had an appointment with the cranial osteopath on Tuesday. All checked out OK, so back to Katikati for some more R & R on Wednesday. So far this week, we have shoved a dummy and a bottle in her mouth, and she seems to be coping OK. 'Coping' is not a word I would use to describe her mother, but nothing about 4 weeks worth of sleep wouldn't fix!

Mary-the-Midwife came to visit us on Wednesday morning before we headed off, and Emily now weighs 4kg. Obviously nothing wrong with the chow she is getting!

Back in Katikati, Emily played the Hostess with the Mostest, and had all the Nanas over for dinner (thanks Helen!). While Mum and Nana Anne were at the supermarket (and Emily was under Nana-Supervision) she crapped herself big-time, and had the place in an uproar getting her cleaned up and changed. Mum arrived home to find three Nanas looking very pleased with themselves and a child wearing new clothes and a rather bemused expression. Like, what was all the fuss about??

VERY exciting trip back to Auckland on Friday, as the car broke down just outside Waihi. Called the AA who sent a tow-truck. Dad was very impressed to hear Munchie had been for a ride in a truck. We camped out at Norma's until Rick could pick us up later that night. The car went for a trip to Thames to the Ford dealer to get fixed.


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