11.2.06 - 17.2.06
A hugely busy week for the Redwoods. Rick was making coffee with Tom and Giant James out at Riverhead on Saturday. Only an 8 hour event, but they had to be on the road by 6am-ish to get out there in time. Good thing Emily is getting us up in the early morning. The girls wandered out a bit later on to catch some of the action, after a visit from Jon, Cheryl and Laura. On the way home we stopped in to say Hi to Scott and Amy, who were having their engagement party. A couple of hours kip, then off to Trish and Callum's for one last hurrah before they move to Wanaka. Man, this kid is getting around....
Sunday was the Lantern Festival in Albert Park, so we wandered round there for a couple of hours with Steve and Helen and James and Kimberley. The food is fantastic... one of everything please! Heaps of cool lanterns as well. The power bill must be huge.Monday, Coffee Group at Jenni's. Nearly everyone from Ante-natal has had their baby now, and it's so cool to see them all (and of course, have a little comparison. Emily stacks up nicely against the others. She's not quite as scrawny as the boys and having lots of hair makes her look a bit better too). The car is still getting fixed in Thames, so Rick took the day off which was nice. God only knows what was in his coffee this morning, but when we got back from morning tea, he was trimming the big hedge with our electric trimmers and the ladder. Now, I usually hire a crew to do this job, so big ups to Richard. As a bonus, he managed not to kill himself crawling all over the top of it, but there's 2 metres he couldn't reach at the end. Who cares, that's the bit the neighbours look at, not us!
Tuesday was Valentines Day, so we had Steve and Helen round for a romantic dinner for 4 (ha ha). It was a good excuse to cook a decent meal and have a soak in the spa. Mum was totally stuffed after that, so she went to bed. Emily woke up and started giving her Father a hard time, so Aunty Helen stayed and helped Rick get her sorted. Thanks H! The pic is Rick feeding Emily for the very first time. Pretty cool.
Friday we all tootled down to Thames to pick up the car. Nice morning tea at the nursery just outside town, then Rick headed off to Hamilton for the day while the girls went home to have lunch with Aunty Helen. Busy afternoon as we had a quick trip to the mall then off to the airport in rush hour traffic to pick up Nanna and Grandad from Wellington. Went without a hitch of course, except that Munchie screamed the whole way home as it was right on feeding time. Just after I had got through telling them what a good girl she was and how there wasn't much screaming.... oh well. Margaret whipped up some dinner for us while we sorted Emily out - very much appreciated.
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