Sunday, March 19, 2006

18.2.06 - 24.2.06

Margaret and Eric are staying with us this week, so an action packed calendar for everyone. We all spent the day at home on Saturday, playing Meet and Greet with the new grandchild, and writing up a list of odd-jobs for Eric to sink his teeth in to. The boys did a terrific job sorting out the spouting on the new deck pergola thingy. Margaret and Keighley left them in charge of the baby for half and hour or so and popped out to the shops. Hmmmm, not the best of ideas, since Keighley took the hooties with her, and the kid decided a feed would be in order. Rick was not a happy camper....

Sunday was a day trip down to Paeroa to see the motorbike street racing for the lads. The girls carried on and had lunch with Nana Helen, stopped off to see Nana Halloran, then back for a couple of hours with the Redshaws in Waihi before collecting the boys in Paeroa and heading home. Steve and Helen had invited us to dinner at their place as well, so after one of Stevie's famous lamb roasts and a pav for dessert, we were all buggered. Off home to bed.

Monday and Tuesday were at-home days, with Rick joining us for lunch, and the grandies taking Emily for walks in the buggy. Wednesday morning, we met Helen for coffee at Cigana. Rick took the afternoon off and we went into the Museum. While the boys had a look at the Da Vinci exhibition the girls went for a walk around the gardens. After stopping to feed Emily every five minutes, we all headed out to Woodhill for some MTB (lads) and walking (ladies). Emily was very well behaved, and we even managed to have a nice dinner at Miconose in Kumeu on the way home.

We all had a big adventure on Thursday afternoon, with Emily taking her first train ride and first boat ride. We parked the truck up in GI and took the train into Britomart. After living in Auckland for more years than we could count, this was also the first time R & K had taken the train here as well! Then we took the ferry over to Devonport and had a sift around the shops for a couple of hours before heading home.

Ma and Pa left on Friday afternoon, and had the pleasure of Fainty, Gale and Mitchell sitting in front of them on the plane. Our midwife, Mary, also had her last visit to us as well. We are very upset she is turning us over to Plunket as she has been amazing. Emily now weighs 4.6 kilos, and is doing really well.

Big ups to Ma and Pa for all the cooking, gardening and odd jobs. A week is not nearly long enough you guys!


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