Thursday, March 30, 2006

25.2.06 - 1.3.06

Keighley's Birthday! To celebrate, we all had breakfast in bed. In the afternoon, Don McGlashan was playing at the zoo, so we took Stevie and Helen and packed up the car with goodies to eat and drink and headed off. The last time we went, everyone had a kid but us, so it was nice to go with our own 'accessory' this time. The concert was great, and S & H had a good time pretending the baby belonged to them. She went for a tour of the zoo with them while Mum and Dad had half and hour to themselves. Apparently, she was quite well behaved. Not like the people who feed the alcohol to the hippos...... might not be any more zoo concerts thanks to them. But imagine the pissed hippos!

On Sunday, Greg and Debs came for dinner (and ended up buying and making the dinner - we're sooooo unorganised!). It was great to see them; Emily loved having a cuddle with Greg, he's so huge. Tuesday was coffee at Sally's. Cool to see all the little babies, even Mick came with Sali, and he's only a couple of kilos. Emily looks like a giant next to him.

Melissa and Jamie came over on Wednesday, and we all went out to Woodhill for lunch and to pick up pinecones in the forest. It was nice to get out of town. Tomorrow we are off to Rotorua for the Oceanias, so it was fairly inconvenient of Munchie to throw a screaming fit in the afternoon when we were supposed to be packing for the trip. Dad bundled her up in the car and took her to see DB and Donna so Mum could have five minutes peace and finish the packing. She took one look at DB and his dog-infested jersey, and snuggled down for the duration. What a kid!


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