Monday, July 03, 2006

Keighley's Klein morphes into a single speed

22.1 pounds; the lightest mountainbike to venture outside the security doors of frontierland.
Of course this bike has a history. Thanks for asking.
5 years ago I was living and working in the USA for a few months. A kiwi friend (Chris Dickson-no, not the yachtie) is holed up in a condo working his butt off for CA and spending all his free time collecting cool bikes etc. off Ebay. This one was a bit small, so a quick call back to Keighley in NZ to measure up her existing Cannondale to compare sizes and away we go.
It came with the one piece Mission Control bar/stem combo but it's a bit long....Thanks to Ebay a shorter stem was aquired with ease.
Chris had a wireless network and laptop in his apartment so surfing the web took on a whole new meaning...and that was 5 years ago.
It has a full complement of 9 speed XTR kit, red Ringle hubs and rims and weighs bugger all even with gears.
I had to call on the trusty old Myford lathe to assist with the re-allocation of a 4 arm spider off an old pair of '98 XT cranks. Normally the spider has a 42 tooth chainring as part of it. Out with the hacksaw and into the lathe to tidy things up and turn up a pair of parallel faces for the 32 tooth chainring to sit on, depending on the chainline. Nice.
In the future it'll be sporting something a little more stylie for a chain tensioner.
Also, don't be surprised if you spot young madam being carted around in her new Burley trailer behind this sweet ride with Supermum turning the pedals....


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